8 Facts about Arachnophobia

Sunday, March 15th 2015. | Human

Let me show you the explanation of the fear phobia of arachnids which include spiders and scorpions in Facts about Arachnophobia. The people who have arachnophobia feel afraid and uneasy when they see the presence of webs, spider and other arachnids. When they see a spider, they develop panic attack. Here are other interesting facts about Arachnophobia:

Facts about Arachnophobia 1: the signs

The signs of having Arachnophobia can be see when you have panic attack when you see spider and arachnids. Each person has different behaviors such as they have trouble breathing, cry, scream, have heart trouble and have excessive sweating.

Facts about Arachnophobia 2: the contact

Having the contact with spiders can trigger panic attack in the common cases of Arachnophobia.  The extreme cases can be seen when the people are in fear even though he or she only sees a picture of spider.

Arachnophobia Facts

Arachnophobia Facts

Facts about Arachnophobia 3: the causes

Until this present day, the scientists have not found the causes which lead the people to develop phobias such as Arachnophobia.

Facts about Arachnophobia 4: evolutionary psychology

The evolutionary psychology can lead the people to develop the fear to the spiders. Even though the creatures are small, they are venomous. Therefore, the evolution of a fear of spiders develops easily to a person.

Arachnophobia Image

Arachnophobia Image

Facts about Arachnophobia 5: the intense fear

It is very common to have a fear of spider. If the fear is very intense, it can be the sign that you develop Arachnophobia. Find out facts about anxiety here.

Facts about Arachnophobia 6: the harmless arachnids

The people with Arachnophobia are still uneasy or panic when they see Arachnids even though they are harmless. The picture or even object which resembles the look of a spider may trigger their fear.

Arachnophobia in Blue

Arachnophobia in Blue

Facts about Arachnophobia 7: the traditional food

You may develop Arachnophobia, but there are some people in the world which eat spiders as their traditional food such as the people in South America with the exception of the people in Brazil, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, and Bolivia. The people in Papua New Guinea also love to eat it. It gives us the clue that the phobia is more likely to be linked with culture rather than the genetic traits. Get facts about Aboriginal food here.

Facts about Arachnophobia 8: the people who develop Arachnophobia

It is estimated that the people with Arachnophobia is around 3.5 to 6.1 percent from the whole population in the world. The celebs that develop Arachnophobia include Rupert Grint, Emma Stone, Justin Timberlake, and Jennifer Lawrence.

Arachnophobia Pic

Arachnophobia Pic


Facts about Arachnophobia

Facts about Arachnophobia

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