8 Facts about Aries
Let’s find out the mythological story in Facts about Aries. If you hear the word Aries, it always reminds you with the zodiac. If we talk about Aries, there are two distinctive stories. We can talk about Aries, The Greek God and Aries, the Ram. Both have different mythological stories. Aries the God is often called as Ares. Check out more facts about Aries below:
Facts about Aries 1: Aries, the Greek God
If we talk about Aries the Greek God, we have to discuss, Ares, the God Of War. Ares involved more on the physical strength during the war. Athena was his sister who was famous as the goddess of war. Both had different role for Athena focused more on the military strategy. Therefore, Ares was always associated with chaos and aggression. Get facts about Ares here.
Facts about Aries 2: Aries the Ram
What is Aries the Ram? The Greeks believe that the constellation of Stars which can be viewed from earth was in the shape of Ram’s head.
Facts about Aries 3: the story of Jason and the Argonauts
The mythology of Aries is always associated with the story of Jason and the Argonauts. Both wanted to prove that they were the right king of Iolcos in Thessaly. Both made a quest to get the golden fleece of Aries the Ram.
Facts about Aries 4: sharing the same name
Based on the both stories above, we know that Ares and Aries the Ram had no relation whatsoever even though both were included in Greek mythology and shared the similar name.
Facts about Aries 5: the story of ram
Actually Aries the Ram was known since the late of Babylonian era. The Latin name for Aries is ram. The symbol was the horns of ram.
Facts about Aries 6: Aries in Egyptian
The ancient Egyptian people had their own point of view about Aries. It was linked with the famous god Amon-Ra. It was associated with creativity and fertilize. The presentation was a man with a ram’s head. Get facts about ancient Egypt gods here.
Facts about Aries 7: the location
Aries was referred to Indicator of the Reborn Sun due to the location in vernal equinox. The Egyptian people called him as the Lord of The Head.
Facts about Aries 8: Aries saving the Phrixos and Helle
In the Greek mythology, Aries was the savior of Phrixos and Helle. Both were the children of King Athamas and Nephele, the first wife. Ino was the second wife of the king who was very jealous and wanted to kill her step children. She falsely told the king to sacrifice Phrixos to end the famine. When the king was about to sacrifice his son, Aries came and save him. Then Phrixos sacrificed the ram to King of God, Zeus.
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