8 Facts about Arteries

Tuesday, March 31st 2015. | Human

If you want to know the part of body which has the function to carry blood away from our heart, you have to check Facts about Arteries. It is a type of blood vessel inside the body. Most arteries carry the blood with oxygen. However, there are two types of arteries which do not carry this type of blood. Both are the pulmonary and umbilical arteries. Find out more facts about arteries by reading the following post below:

Facts about Arteries 1: the circulatory system

The life of human being is also laid on the health of our arteries. It helps us to sustain the life. The main function of arteries is to carry the blood filled with nutrient and oxygen to all cells in the body. But it also has the job to remove the waste products and carbon dioxide.

Facts about Arteries 2: other functions

Arteries also have other functions that you never know before.  They are also responsible in the circulation of proteins and maintenance of pH.

Arteries and Human

Arteries and Human

Facts about Arteries 3: the health of arterial system

If the arterial system does not function well, it can lead to health problem.   The heart attack or myocardial infarction and stroke are the two leading causes of death on human being due to the malfunction of arteries.

Facts about Arteries 4: the anatomy

If you are interested to learn about arteries, you can study it under the microscope to know the microscopic anatomy of arteries. If you want to know the macroscopic level, you can check the gross anatomy of arteries.



Facts about Arteries 5: the arterial system of human being

There are two systems of arteries in human being. The pulmonary arteries have the job to carry the deoxygenated blood from heart to lung. On the other hand, the blood which contains the nutrient and oxygen will be carried by systematic arteries from heart to the whole cells. Get facts about alveoli here.

Facts about Arteries 6: tunica externa

Tunica externa is the outer layer of the arteries. The collagen fibers are the component which makes up the connective tissue of this layer. Many people often call this layer as tunica adventitia.

Artery Parts

Artery Parts

Facts about Arteries 7: tunica media

Tunica media is inside layer of arteries. The component of this layer includes the elastic tissue and smooth muscle cells.

Facts about Arteries 8: tunica intima

Tunica intima is the innermost layer of arteries. Endothelial cells make up the layer. It has direct contact with the blood.




Facts about Arteries

Facts about Arteries

There are two unique arteries in the body. The umbilical artery has the job to carry the deoxygenated blood from a fetus to the mother.  Another one is pulmonary artery which has the function to carry blood to the lung from the heart. Do you enjoy reading facts about arteries?

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