8 Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution

Thursday, April 2nd 2015. | Legal

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution talk about the executive branch of the government. The members of the executive branch include president, vice president, and officers and staffers picked by the president.  The president gets the executive power of the federal government. Let’s find out more facts about Article 2 of the Constitution below:

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 1: section 1

Let’s find out the content of section 1. It talks about the president and vice president. The clause 1 talks about the executive power. The president vests the executive power. He or she will be on the office serving the people of United of America for four years.  He or she will lead with his vice president.

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 2: the election

Who will select the president and vice president of United States? Both will be selected by the people for every four years. The president of United States will be appointed as the head of the executive branch. Get facts about Article 1 of the Constitution here.

Facts about  Article 2 of the Constitution

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 3: clause 2

If you check clause 2, you will know the method on how to choose the electors.  The federal officers, representative and senators can become electors.

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 4: clause 4

The Election Day is discussed in clause 4. The national Election Day will be set by the congress.  It will be day when the people give their votes.

Article 2 of the Constitution Pic

Article 2 of the Constitution Pic

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 5: clause 5

The qualification for officer is discussed in clause 5. The president of United States should a national born citizen or a citizen of US. He or she should be at least 35 years old. He or she has been the inhabitant in US for at least 14 years.

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 6: Franklin Roosevelt

Franklin Roosevelt was the only president in United States who served the officer for more than two terms. If you check out the Twenty Second Amendment in 1951, it is stated that the president can only be elected twice.

Article 2 of the Constitution Facts

Article 2 of the Constitution Facts

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 7: Vacancy and disability

If you want to know the rules about the disability and vacancy, you can check clause 6.

Facts about Article 2 of the Constitution 8: salary

Can you guess the salary of president?  Today, the salary of President Barrack Obama is $400,000 in a year. The rule about the salary is explained in clause 7.

Article 2 of the Constitution fact

Article 2 of the Constitution fact


Article 2 of the Constitution Content

Article 2 of the Constitution Content

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