8 Facts about Ballad Poems

Tuesday, May 5th 2015. | Arts

Check Facts about Ballad Poems if you want to know the forms of verse in literature. It was very popular in the medieval period until 19th century in the British Isles. It is not only famous as a form of verse, but also as a song. The word was derived from the balladee or ballade of French chason. The meaning is dancing songs. The popularity of this ballad was not only seen in Britain, but also in Australia, North Africa and America. Here are some interesting facts about ballad poems for you:

Facts about Ballad Poems 1: the lyrical ballads

The poets used a single sheet of broadsides to create the lyrical ballads in 18th century. The theme of ballad probably was derived from the Germanic and Scandinavian tradition.

Facts about Ballad Poems 2: the traditional ballads

The traditional ballads may involve with various themes. It can be comic, romantic, historical or even tragic.  The nature of ballads can be seen on the self contained story and narration. It is not a description. It focuses more on the imagery.

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling

Facts about Ballad Poems 3: the common theme

Some of the common themes in ballad poems include the rural laborers. You can also find some famous ballads created based on the story of Robin Hood.

Facts about Ballad Poems 4: the two camps of ballad scholars

There are two camps of ballad scholars.   They are the communalist and individualist. Johann Gottfried Herder was German scholar who established the communalist. They believed that ballads did not have a single author; it arose to due to the combination of communal effort. On the other hand, the individualist thought that ballad arose because of the single original author. Find out facts about Anne Bronte here.

Love Ballads

Love Ballads

Facts about Ballad Poems 5: the lyrical ballad

In 18th century, the Romantic Movement marked the establishment of lyrical ballads. The interest grew among the intellectuals and social elites.

Facts about Ballads Poems 6: the famous figures in Scotland

Some of the famous figures who wrote ballads in the romantic era include Sir Walter Scott and Robert Burns in Scotland.


Facts about Ballad Poem

Facts about Ballad Poem

Facts about Ballad Poems 7: the famous figures in England

Some of the famous figures in England were Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth.  ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ was one of Coleridge’s famous ballads.  These key figures tried to imitate the traditional of folk ballads. They created the natural and simple ballads. Get facts about Avi the Author here.

Facts about Ballad Poems 8: other examples of great ballads poems

If you are interested to know more about the examples of ballad poems, you can check ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol’ by Oscar Wilde and ‘Barrack-Room Ballads’ by Rudyard Kipling. Christina Rossetti was a key figure in late Romantic era. She chose the moral and spiritual issues in her ballads.

Ballad Poems

Ballad Poems

Ballad Facts

Ballad Facts

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