8 Facts about Battle of Petersburg

Wednesday, May 27th 2015. | History

Facts about Battle of Petersburg talk about one of the battles in the American Civil War. It took place on 9 June 1864 till 25 March 1865.  It was a series of battles occurred in Petersburg, Virginia. The famous name of this battle is the Siege of Petersburg.

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 1: the campaign

The campaign last for nine months. Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant was the commander of Union forces who was not successful to assault Petersburg. Then he decided to create trench lines on the outskirt of Petersburg.  The lines were extended around 48 kilometers or 30 miles. Get facts about Battle of Gettysburg here.

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 2: the importance of Petersburg

Petersburg was important for the Confederate army. It was used to give supply for the army under the command of General Robert E. Lee. It was also used to connect the Confederate with their capital city of Richmond.

Battle of Petersburg Facts

Battle of Petersburg Facts

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 3: the railroad supply lines

In order to cut the railroad supply line for the Confederate army, the Union army had different battles and raids around Petersburg. Due to the battles, the trench lines were extended and the confederate was in great pressure.

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 4: the true siege

On 25th March, the true siege was started even though the supply lines were cut off before. In April 1865, both cities were abandoned by the confederate army.  This moment led into the surrender and retreat of the confederate army at Appomattox Court House. Get facts about Battle of Saratoga here.

Battle of Petersburg Picture

Battle of Petersburg Picture

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 5: the trench warfare

Trench warfare used in the Battle of Petersburg was very common to see on the First World War. Therefore, it is included as one of the important parts in the military history.

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 6: Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant was appointed as the lieutenant general in March 1864.  The Union army was under his command. Therefore, he proposed strategy to press the Confederate army from many points. The President liked the plan for he wanted his generals to do it from the beginning of the war. Finally Grant did it.

Battle of Petersburg Image

Battle of Petersburg Image

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 7: the coordinated strategy

Major General William T. Sherman was appointed by Grant to control all forces in the West. Both also had a coordinated strategy by attacking Lee from the north.

Facts about Battle of Petersburg 8: butcher

Grant was called as a butcher after he did the battle at Cold Harbor. It can be the regretted battle ever for Grant since this campaign made him lost a lot of men. The casualties were around 50,000.

Battle of Petersburg Pic

Battle of Petersburg Pic

Facts about Battle of Petersburg

Facts about Battle of Petersburg

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