8 Facts about Battle of Saratoga
Facts about Battle of Saratoga talk about the series of battle during the Revolutionary war. It marked the surrender of the British General John Burgoyne. The Americans enjoyed the decisive victory. The series of battles was peaked on the Battle of Saratoga. The British army was led by General John Burgoyne. He was often called as Gentleman Johnny. Here are other interesting facts about Battle of Saratoga below:
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 1: the leader of the American forces
The leaders of the American forces in the battle of Saratoga include Major General Horatio Gates, Generals Benedict Arnold, Colonel Daniel Morgan, Benjamin Lincoln and General Enoch Poor.
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 2: the plan of Burgoyne
Burgoyne came up with a plan to split the colonies in two parts on the Hudson River. He believed that this plan will be able to defeat the American forces.
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 3: meeting in Albany
The British army under the command of General Burgoyne went to Albany, New York from Lake Champlain. They moved to the south. One the other hand, General Howe and his army were along Hudson River by moving north. Both would bump into each other in Albany. Get facts about Battle of Bunker Hill here.
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 4: Fort Ticonderoga
The army of Burgoyne was successful moving south. They were able to control Fort Ticonderoga. On the other hand, General Howe skipped the original plan and went to east to take Philadelphia. The original plan was moving his army to north Albany.
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 5: the progress of Burgoyne
The progress of Burgoyne was very slow. He marched his army on the south. The American tried to block their ways by cutting the trees or even shooting the soldiers. Since the army had limited food, some of his soldiers went to Bennington, Vermont to get horses and food. Surprisingly, the American General John Star guarded Bennington. There were around 500 soldiers captured by the Americans. It made the British forces weak.
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 6: the first battle
On 19 September 1777, the first battle of Saratoga occurred. It was called as the Battle of Freeman’s Farm. Even though British could control the field, they lost around 600 casualties.
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 7: The Battle of Bemis Heights
The next battle was The Battle of Bemis Heights. On 7 October 1777, the American attacked the British army and they surrendered on 17 October 1777. Get facts about Battle of Bull Run here.
Facts about Battle of Saratoga 8: an important battle
Battle of Saratoga is considered as an important battle for it made the American realize their power and strength.
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