8 Facts about Beam Bridges
If you are interested to know the simplest structural form of bridge, you have to check Facts about Beam Bridges. This bridge is made in simple design since it is only supported by a pier or abutment located at end of the bridge. In the past, the beam bridges were found over the stream and rivers. Let’s find out more interesting facts about beam bridges below:
Facts about Beam Bridges 1: the materials
There are various kinds of materials used to establish beam bridges. They can be made of wooden planks, logs, or even stone slabs. The log bridge is made of logs, while Clapper Bridge is made of stone slab.
Facts about Beam Bridges 2: the modern bridge
The modern bridge is not made of logs or even wooden planks. The construction is very strong and rigid for it is constructed using the reinforced concrete and steel. It can be combined from both materials. Concrete is considered as one of the main materials to construct the modern design. It can be post tensioned, prestressed or reinfornced.
Facts about Beam Bridges 3: the types of constructions
The beam bridges can be made in different kinds of construction. The people can establish the bridge by having many beams located side by side. Then the deck is placed on the top of the beams. Or the beams are used to support the decks located between them.
Facts about Beam Bridges 4: France
If you are interested to know the beam bridge, you can go to France. There is a footbridge located over the stream in Dordogne.
Facts about Beam Bridges 5: the type of the main beams
There are several types of the main beams. They can be box girders, trusses or I-beams.
Facts about Beam Bridges 6: the single span
If you think that beam bridges are always in the single span, you are wrong. You have to look at Feiyunjiang Bridge in China for the piers used to support multiple spans.
Facts about Beam Bridges 7: the short distance
Beams bridges are often used for short distance over the stream. It is due to the missing supports. The only supports are the piers. If the distance is too long, the bridge is weaker. Therefore, the beam bridges should never extent more than 250 feet.
Facts about Beam Bridges 8: the great distance
If the beam bridges are used for the great distance, the people have to use a series of beam bridges to join together. Therefore, people call it as a continuous bridge. Find out another technology in automaton facts.
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