8 Facts about Big Bang

Sunday, June 28th 2015. | Science

Facts about Big Bang tell you about the famous Big Bang Theory. It is one of the cosmological models of universe. Have you checked the content of Big Bang theory? If you study about the formation of universe, Big Bang theory should be checked out. The theory finds out that the expansion of universe occurs because it was in a very high density. Let’s find out more interesting facts about Big Bang below:

Facts about Big Bang 1: the modern measurement

Based on the Big Bang theory, the age of universe is around 13.8 billion years. It was based on the modern measurement where the expanded universe happened.

Facts about Big Bang 2: the formation of galaxies and stars

The formation of stars and galaxies occur after the formation of subatomic particles which turned into simple atoms.   The universe cooled down after it had the first expansion.

Facts about Big Bang

Facts about Big Bang

Facts about Big Bang 3: theory of relativity

Theory of relativity and its implication became the major concerns of George F. R. Ellis, Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose. All of them were the British astrophysicists who were interested to study about it in the mid 20th century.  You can find out their work on the measurement of space and time after they elaborated the general relativity theory of Einstein in their published paper in 1968 and 1970. They believe that the space and time had a finite start which matched with the origin of energy and matter based on their calculation. Get facts about asteroid here.

Facts about Big Bang 4: the two expanded universe theories

Once, there were two theories about the expanding universe. Both were the Steady States theory and Big Bang Theory. The latter one is supported by a lot of scientists due to the empirical evidence.

Big Bang

Big Bang

Facts about Big Bang 5: Edwin Hubble

Edwin Hubble was the person who provided the analysis of galactic redshifts in 1929.  Based on his analysis, he found out that the galaxies are drifting apart.

Facts about Big Bang 6: another support for Big Bang theory

The support of Big Bang theory also occurred due to the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964. This Big Bang theory had predicted the occurrence of background radiation.

Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory

Facts about Big Bang 7: redshifts of supernovae

An observation of about the dark energy also occurred after the scientists measured the redshifts of supernovae.  It made the scientists conclude that the universe expansion was accelerating. Get facts about astronomy here.

Facts about Big Bang 8: observed phenomena

If you learn Big Bang theory, it provides you with information and explanation of different kinds of phenomena such as Hubble’s Law, cosmic microwave background, large scale structure and light elements.

Big Bang Pic

Big Bang Pic


Big Bang Facts

Big Bang Facts

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