9 Facts about Alien Life

Friday, December 26th 2014. | Science

Facts about Alien Life talk about the discoveries of weird stone head, radio signal and UFO.  It is very tricky to answer whether alien really exists or not. But why don’t we look at the evidences that people see on earth. Here are some interesting facts about Alien life:

Facts about Alien Life 1: near-collisions

The number of near collision of commercial airlines with UFO is getting higher every year.  You can check out the stories of the veteran airlines pilots who saw the big delta shaped object on the sky.

Facts about Alien Life 2: Europa

Europa is the red moon of Jupiter.  The study about this moon finds out that it was made from the frozen red bacteria.  You know that bacteria could be a sign of life in the moon.

Alien Life Facts

Alien Life Facts

Facts about Alien Life 3: nano bacteria

The discovery of Martian rock is considered as the alien fossil. It gives us the sign of nano bacteria which left billion years ago.

Facts about Alien Life 4: methane

The high amount of methane was found on the atmosphere of Mars. It was reported by 3 independent groups who made research about the planet back in 2004. The discovery of methane means a lot of since the methane in our planet is mostly produced by the living organisms.

Alien Life Image

Alien Life Image

Facts about Alien Life 5: Mazlan Othman

Mazlan Othman is Malaysian astrophysicist who takes the position of leader in United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.  The main job is to handle the space related activity since September 2010.

Facts about Alien Life 6: microbe

A microbe which could present high level of radiation was found by a Russian scientist in 2002.  Many people assume that it was from Mars.

Alien Life Image

Alien Life Image

Facts about Alien Life 7: mystery radio signal

There was a series of radio weaves examined by the scientists in 2004 because they found out that a certain signal was very strong. The scientists assume that probably the aliens want to contact us.

Facts about Alien Life 8: Russian UFO Tooth Wheel

Russian UFO Tooth Wheel was found by a Russian man in Primorsky Krai area. The age of this tooth wheel was 300 years old. It was made from pure aluminum. Actually human being has not find out the way to make pure aluminum until 1825. Therefore, some people assume that this tooth wheel was a part of an alien spaceship.

Alien Life Pic

Alien Life Pic

Facts about Alien Life 9: The Guatemala Stone Head

The Guatemala Stone Head is very unique since it did not feature any Mayan face. The stone did not resemble the people who lived in the land. The explorers discovered it in the Guatemalan jungle in 1930s.  The people assumed that it was the stone head of the ancient alien.

Facts about Alien Life

Facts about Alien Life

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