9 Facts about Arsenic

Sunday, March 29th 2015. | Chemistry

If you want to know the element discovered by Albertus Magnus in 1250, you have to check Facts about Arsenic.  It is symbolized in AS.  It has the atomic weight at 74.92 and the atomic number at 33.  When it is kept inside a room temperature, arsenic is in solid form.  The scientist classifies arsenic in metalloid. It has the density at 5.727 grams per cm cubed.  Get more interesting facts about arsenic in the following post below:

Facts about Arsenic 1: the periodic table

Arsenic is located in the third element in 15th column on the periodic table. Arsenic is included in metalloid because it shares the features of the non metal and metal elements.

Facts about Arsenic 2: the protons and electrons

Arsenic has 33 protons and 33 electrons.  In the outer shell, it has 5 valence electrons.

Facts about Arsenic Element

Facts about Arsenic Element

Facts about Arsenic 3: allotropes

The most common allotropes of Arsenic are yellow and metallic gray.   The waxy and soft texture is seen in yellow arsenic. You have to be careful with yellow arsenic because it is very toxic and reactive.  The brittle shiny solid texture is seen in gray arsenic. If the yellow arsenic is kept inside the room temperature and is exposed to light, it can turn to gray arsenic. Another allotrope of arsenic is black arsenic.

Facts about Arsenic 4: the fame

Arsenic is famous in the world because of the high toxicity.  The pure and the compound arsenic are very poisonous. Therefore, you have to handle it with care.

Arsenic Effect

Arsenic Effect

Facts about Arsenic 5: killing a persons

Throughout the history, arsenic has been used to kill a person. You have to be careful when you handle arsenic.  It can cause various kinds of health issues if the body is always exposed to arsenic over the time. Get facts about antimony here.

Facts about Arsenic 6: earth crust

You can find arsenic on the earth’s crust. However, it is very rare to find arsenic in free form. You can find it in minerals such as orpiment, mispickel and realgar.

Arsenic Solid

Arsenic Solid

Facts about Arsenic 7: the usage of arsenic

In the past, arsenic was used as the wood preservatives and insecticides. But it does not used any more to preserve the wood because of the environmental impact.

Facts about Arsenic 8: gallium arsenide

Gallium arsenide is produced by combining gallium and arsenic.  The main function is for the optoelectronics and high speed electronics. It is also worn in glass making and metal alloy production. Get facts about Argon here.



Facts about Arsenic 9: who discovered it?

In 1250, Albertus Magnus discovered arsenic. He was a German phloshiper. Actually arsenic has been known since the ancient era.

Arsenic Element

Arsenic Element

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