9 Facts about Battery Hens

Monday, May 25th 2015. | Animals

Facts about Battery Hens talk about the housing system used for the egg laying hens.  The cage for the hens is arranged in various columns and rows.  All of them are connected each other. The usage of battery hens remains controversial because the animal activists question the animal’s rights. This cage system can be seen in more than 60 percent of the eggs produced in the world. Find out more interesting facts about battery hens below:

Facts about Battery Hens 1: the battery hens in United States

Battery hen is considered as the most popular cage in United States.  More than 90 percent of all 300 million eggs laying hens are caged inside the battery hens.

Facts about Battery Hens 2: the battery hens in United Kingdom

What about the battery hens in United Kingdom? It is states that more than 50 percent of eggs in United Kingdom are produced inside the battery hen. That’s the data from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in 2010.


Battery Hen

Battery Hen

Facts about Battery Hens 3: the decrease of battery hens

The number of battery hens used to care the egg laying chicken is decreased from time to time in Europe after the introduction of the European Union Council Directive.  Due to the welfare reason, the battery hen was banned.

Facts about Battery Hens 4: the reason of banning

The battery hens were banned because the sign of distress can be seen on the caged hens. That’s the report from the international scientists. Get facts about animal rights here.

Battery Hens Facts

Battery Hens Facts

Facts about Battery Hens 5: the battery hens

Just like its name suggested, the battery hens are used to cage the egg laying chicken. The similar structure actually is used to cage foxes, chinchilla, rabbit and mink in fur farming.

Facts about Battery Hens 6: Battery Brooding

Battery Brooding was a book published in 1931. It was written by Milton Arndt. This book referred the battery cages. Arndt found out that the cage flock gave higher egg production than the conventional flock.

Battery Hens Image

Battery Hens Image

Facts about Battery Hens 7: the sloped floor

The battery hens often feature a sloped floor. It will be easier for the farmer to collect the eggs since the eggs will roll on the front of the cage.

Facts about Battery Hens 8: the wire mesh floor

The wire mesh floor was included in the original battery hens. It was used to decrease the risk of having manure born disease as well as the heating the brooding chickens.

Facts about Battery Hens

Facts about Battery Hens

Facts about Battery Hens 9: Chick culling

The egg laying hens are totally different from the meat produced hens. The male chicken is not suitable for the meat production. It cannot produce any eggs too. After the male chickens being sexed, they will be culled. There are various methods conducted such as maceration and cervical dislocation. Get facts about baby chicken here.

Battery Hens Pic

Battery Hens Pic

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