10 Facts about Alan Paton

Tuesday, December 9th 2014. | Authors

You will know one of the famous South African anti apartheid activists and writers in Facts about Alan Paton. This man was born on 11 January 1903 and died on 12 April 1988 in Pietermaritzburg, Natal Province. He was only a child of a minor civil servant in South Africa. Let’s check out his book and his struggle as an apartheid activist in the following post below

Facts about Alan Paton 1: education

Alan Paton got his Bachelor of Science degree from University of Natal. Then he also got diploma in education.  He decided to work as a teacher.  His first school was Ixopo High School. Then he taught at Maritzburg College.

Facts about Alan Paton 2: Dorrie Francis Lusted

Dorrie Francis Lusted was his wife. Both met when Paton worked as Ixopo high school as a teacher. In 1928, both wedded and were still together until the death of his wife in 1967 because of emphysema.

Alan Paton Book

Alan Paton Book

Facts about Alan Paton 3: Kontakion for You Departed

Kontakion for You Departed is a great book by Alan Paton. The book talked about the life of Paton with his wife. In 1969, it was published. Another great writer is seen in Agatha Christie facts.

Facts about Alan Paton 4: the career of Paton

In 1935 until 1949, Paton worked as the principal in Diepkloof Reformatory for young offenders for the African black people.  When Paton got this position, he often introduced controversial issues. Some of them were the policies of home visitation, work permits and open dormitories.

Alan Paton Facts

Alan Paton Facts

Facts about Alan Paton 5: the offenders

When the boys were considered trustworthy, they will be transferred from the closed dormitories to the open dormitories in the compound. If the boys had great trustworthiness, they will be allowed to work.

Facts about Alan Paton 6: World War II

When the World War II happened, Alan Paton volunteered himself to participate in the war. Unfortunately, he was rejected.

Alan Paton Fame

Alan Paton Fame

Facts about Alan Paton 7: the life after the war

The life after the war seems better for him since he decided to take a trip. He used his own money to cover the expense for this tour. He came to England, Scandinavia, United States, Canada, Europe and England.

Facts about Alan Paton 8: the time in Norway

He worked on his seminal novel, Cry, The Beloved Country when he was in Norway. In 1946, he finished it in San Francisco on Christmas Eve. Get facts  about Allan Gibbons to find out another good writer.

Alan Paton Image

Alan Paton Image

Facts about Alan Paton 9: Aubrey and Marigold Burns

Aubrey and Marigold Burns were the persons who read Paton’s manuscript.  The he was introduced to the Maxwell Perkins, the famous editor who edited the novel of Thomas Wolfe and Ernest Hemingway.

Facts about Alan Paton 10: wealth

He became wealthy after publishing more 50 books in 1950s.

Facts about Alan Paton

Facts about Alan Paton

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