10 Facts about East End of London

Saturday, April 1st 2017. | Areas

What do you know about East End of London? People often call this region as East End. It is hard to define the area covered by East End due to the universal accepted boundaries. In general, north of River Thames, medieval and Roman wall of London, East London and Central London are included in East End. In the middle age, East End started to appear with its deliberate urban development. In 19th century, East End enjoyed rapid growth and began to attract the settlement. Find out detailed facts about East End of London below:

Facts about East End of London 1: the written record about East End

‘Survey of London’ by John Strype was the first written record about East End. He described it as a different entity. The Westminster, City of London, Southwark and That Park beyond the Tower were cited as parts of England. The latter one was used to call East End.

Facts about East End of London 2: Tower Division

In the past, the Tower Division included East End as the primary region.

East End of London Pic

East End of London Pic

Facts about East End of London 3: the life condition

East End was known as a place with various social problems and high level of poverty. Thus, the history of East End is always connected with the social reforms and political activism. Read Facts about Duke of Wellington here.

Facts about East End of London 4: migration

Migration is also an important issue to talk about in the history of East End.  Many people were interested to settle in East End, while the locals of the region decided to relocate to other places.

Facts about East End of London

Facts about East End of London

Facts about East End of London 5: Huguenot refugees

In 17th century, Spitalfields featured a new extramural suburb established by the Huguenot refugees. In 20th century, East End became the major place to migrate for the Bangaldeshis. Ashkenazi Jews and Irish weavers also migrated in East End.

Facts about East End of London 6: the industries

Due to the proximity of East End with the coastal areas, some industries were affected by the sea. The shipbuilding and rope making were the prevalent ones.

East End of London

East End of London

Facts about East End of London 7: the shipbuilding

Shipbuilding played a major part during the reign of King Henry VIII in East End. The king had the intention to expand his Royal Navy by having more ships created at Rotherhithe.

Facts about East End of London 8: the SS Great Eastern

The SS Great Eastern was the largest ship constructed on January 31st, 1858. Check facts about East Anglia here.

East End of London Facts

East End of London Facts

Facts about East End of London 9: the riverside

The riverside settlement was the first place developed by the immigrant communities in East End.

Facts about East End of London 10: Han Chinese

The Han Chinese in East End moved to Soho after the World War 2.

East End of London Fish Market

East End of London Fish Market

Do you have any opinion on facts about East End of London?

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