10 Facts about Bugs Bunny

Tuesday, September 15th 2015. | Characters

Facts about Bugs Bunny talk about the notable animated cartoon character. Mel Blanc voiced the original character of Bugs Bunny. Mel was famous as the Man of a Thousand Voices. The staff of Leon Schlesinger Productions created this character. Later the company was known as Warner Bros. Cartoons. Let’s find out more interesting facts about Bugs Bunny below:

Facts about Bugs Bunny 1: the famous roles

If you are interested to know the famous role of Bugs Bunny, you have to check him in Merrie Melodies series or Looney Tunes series. Warner Bros produced both series.

Facts about Bugs Bunny 2: a cultural icon

Bugs Bunny is considered as the cultural icon in America during the golden age of American animation. People loved him so much. There is no need to wonder that it became the corporate mascot of Warner Bros.

Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Facts about Bugs Bunny 3: who is Bugs Bunny?

Bugs bunny resembles the look of a rabbit or a grey hare.  He had a unique character. He liked to chew a carrot and used the New York accent when he spoke.

Facts about Bugs Bunny 4: A Wild Hare

A Wild Hare was a movie by Tex Avery. It is believed that the debut of Bugs Bunny was seen in this movie even though in the end of 1930s, Warner Bros had begun the experimentation of a rabbit character.

Facts about Bugs Bunny

Facts about Bugs Bunny

Facts about Bugs Bunny 5: the appearance of Bugs Bunny

Bug Bunny had appeared in various feature movies, short movies, TV series, compilations, comic books, award shows, music records, commercials, amusement park rides, and award shows since the first debut.

Facts about Bugs Bunny 6: the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Due to his wonderful character and great popularity, you can find the star of Bugs Bunny located at Hollywood Walk of Fame. He is placed as the ninth most portrayed character in the world.

Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny

Facts about Bugs Bunny 7: the first official Bugs Bunny Cartoon

The first official Bugs Bunny cartoon was directed by Tex Avery in his A Wild Hare. The movie was released on 27 July 1940.

Facts about Bugs Bunny 8: Hare Hunt

Hare Hunt was a movie by Porky. It was considered as the first movie which featured the Bugs Bunny like rabbit produced by Warner Bros. Check facts about Breaking Bad here.

Bugs Bunny Facts

Bugs Bunny Facts

Facts about Bugs Bunny 9: the success of A Wild Hare

A Wild Hare is considered as a successful movie. It was nominated for Best Cartoon Short Subject in Academy Award. Get facts about Braveheart here.

Facts about Bugs Bunny 10: another nomination

Another Academy Award nomination was received by Hiawatha’s Rabbit Hunt (1941). The director of the movie was Friz Freleng.

Bugs Bunny Picture

Bugs Bunny Picture

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