10 Facts about Clay Soil

Monday, January 11th 2016. | Science

Facts about Clay Soil talk about one type of soil material. It is considered as the fine grained natural rock. The composition of clay may consist of organic matter, metal oxides and clay minerals. When the clay is dried or fired, it becomes hard, non plastic and brittle. In its natural form, it is plastic because it contains water. Check other interesting facts about clay soil below:

Facts about Clay Soil 1: phyllosilicate minerals

The phyllosilicate minerals can be found in most geologic clay deposits. Inside the mineral structure, you can find the trapped water.

Facts about Clay Soil 2: the color

Clay soil comes in various colors. The type of color is defined based on the soil content. You can find the clay solid in deep orange-red, brown, dull grey or even white.

Clay Soil Facts

Clay Soil Facts

Facts about Clay Soil 3: the special feature

Clay soil is very special because it has different mineralogy and size. If you compare clay soil with silt, clay has smaller particle size. On the other hand, the silt does not have clay minerals.

Facts about Clay Soil 4: Geotechnical engineers

The clay soil and silts are differentiated by the geotechnical engineers from their plasticity properties. It is stated the silt particles are larger than the clay particles.

Clay Soil Pic

Clay Soil Pic

Facts about Clay Soil 5: formation of clay soil

Let’s find out the formation of clay soil. The formation of clay soil lasts for a long period of time. It was formed because the silicate bearing rocks experience the gradual chemical weathering. This condition occurs because of the presence of diluted solvents or even small concentration of carbonic acid. In other cases, hydrothermal activity can cause the formation of clay soil.

Facts about Clay Soil 6: the clay deposits

The clay deposits are differentiated on two types. Both are the primary and secondary types. The residual deposit of clay found in the soil located at the formation site is included in primary clay. If the clay is transported from the formation site due to the water erosion, it is called as the secondary clay.

Clay Soil Texture

Clay Soil Texture

Facts about Clay Soil 7: Quick clay

The glaciated terrains located in Sweden, Northern Ireland, Canada and Norway feature special marine clay. People call it quick clay.

Facts about Clay Soil 8: dry clay and sand

If you check the stability of sand and dry clay, the latter one is more stable. Get facts about ceramic here.

Clay Soil

Clay Soil

Facts about Clay Soil 9: pottery

Clay soil is always associated with the making of pottery. When the clay is dried and fired, you can covert it into ceramic. Get facts about chemical changes here.

Facts about Clay Soil 10: the production

There are various types of clay. You can produce unique porcelain, stoneware, and earthenware when you apply the special firing condition.

Facts about Clay Soil

Facts about Clay Soil

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