10 Facts about Acetylcholine

Tuesday, November 11th 2014. | Chemistry

Facts about Acetylcholine present the detail scientific idea about an organic molecule that you can find inside human being and other organisms.  Inside the body, the molecule acts as the neurotransmitter. If you are interested to learn about Acetylcholine, get more facts below:

Facts about Acetylcholine 1: Henry Hallett Dale

Henry Hallett Dale was the first scientist who identified Acetylcholine or ACh in 1915. He did an action on a heart tissue. ACh is called as the first identified neurotransmitter in the world of Science.

Facts about Acetylcholine 2: Otto Loewi

The one who confirmed that ACh is a neurotransmitter was Otto Loewi. At first, he calls this chemical as Vagusstoff. The name was derived from the vagus nerve for it was released from the nerve. Due to their wonderful work on ACh, both Loewi and Dale received a Nobel Prize in 1936.

Acetylcholine Brain

Acetylcholine Brain

Facts about Acetylcholine 3: function

Let’s find out the function of ACh.  The main function is as a neuromodulator in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

Facts about Acetylcholine 4: the peripheral nervous system

ACh can activate the muscles in the peripheral nervous system. We call it as the primary neurotransmitter in autonomic nervous system. Find out another chemical in acetic acid facts.

Acetylcholine Facts

Acetylcholine Facts

Facts about Acetylcholine 5: acetylcholine receptor

Acetylcholine receptor is abbreviated AChR.  You can find two primary classes for AChR. Both are muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and nictoinic acetylcholine receptors.

Facts about Acetylcholine 6: treatment of disease

The diseases such as Alzheimer and myasthenia gravis are treated by using ACh Receptor Agonists. The common drug used in the Alzheimer treatment is galantamine hydrobromide which can inhibit acetylcholinesterase.

Acetylcholine Pictures

Acetylcholine Pictures

Facts about Acetylcholine 7: result of the treatment

When the patients with Alzheimer disease consume the drugs which inhibit enzyme acetylcholinesterase, it can bring continuous stimulation of the central nervous system, glands and muscles.

Facts about Acetylcholine 8: acetylcholine levels

The level of acetylcholine can be increased when the patients consume the drugs which inhibit enzyme acetylcholinesterase.  They include Huperzine A, Donepezil, Rivastigmine, Neostigmine and Pyridostigmine.

Acetylcholine tattoo

Acetylcholine tattoo

Facts about Acetylcholine 9: acetylcholine deficiency

Acetylcholine deficiency can occur in the body if you consume methylmercury and other organic mercurial compounds.

Facts about Acetylcholine

Facts about Acetylcholine

Facts about Acetylcholine 10: Chemical syntheses

Acetylcholine can be synthesized in various ways. You can react 2-chloroethanol acetate with trimethylamine. If you want to know about another synthesis, get facts about acids and bases here.



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