10 Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia talk about the incident when the soldiers of Imperial guard fired the unarmed demonstrators in St Petersburg, Russia. This event occurred on Sunday 22 January 1905. Therefore, it was called as Bloody Sunday Russia. The main purpose of the march was to give petition for Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Let’s find out the detail information about it below:
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 1: the leader of the demonstrators
Who was the leader of the demonstrators? He was Father Georgy Gapon. The imperial guard of Tsar Nicholas II fired them as they marched to reach Winter Palace.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 2: the public outrage
The act of the Imperial guard who fired the unarmed demonstrators led into the public outrage and grave. In the industrial centers, there were various kinds of strikes against the Russian empire.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 3: the important event
Bloody Sunday Russia was one of the important events for the people. It marked the beginning of 1905 Revolution. It also led into the 1917 Russian Evolution based on Lionel Kochan.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 4: the new peasant working class
In the industrializing cities in Russia, it emerged the new peasant working class after Tsar Alexander II of Russia emancipated the serfs in 1861.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 5: the strain
After the establishment of emancipation for the serfs, there was a strain occurred in the traditional society in Russia. The strain was caused by the low wages, long working hours, and lack of safety. Find out an important event in Black Tuesday facts.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 6: the strike
The strike conducted by the people because they wanted to increase the working condition. But the Russian government always viewed strike as the criminal act. The government was afraid that this form of act would lead into rebellion.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 7: who was Father Gapon?
Father Gapon was the leader in the march. On 22 January 1905, he wanted to present a petition for the Tsar Nicholas II of Russia by leading the demonstrators. Gapon was a Russian orthodox priest.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 8: the condition of the working and lower class
Father Gapon became the leader of this march for he was concerned with the life condition of the lower class and working class people. Find out another historical event in Berlin Wall facts.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 9: the crowd
The event occurred on 11 January 1905 was participated by around 3,000 to 50,000 people. It occurred in the morning of the winter season.
Facts about Bloody Sunday Russia 10: the shooting
Between 10 to 11 am, the first shooting took place. The anti government source stated that there were 4,000 people died. But the Tsar officials stated that there were only 96 people dead.
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