10 Facts about Charles Richter

Friday, November 20th 2015. | Science

If you want to know the famous physicist and seismologist in America, read Facts about Charles Richter. He is famous in the world due to his Richter magnitude scale.  He was born on 26 April 1900 and died on 30 September 1985. The scale was used to quantify the earthquake’s size. In 1935, the scale was used by Richter. He was inspired from the paper of Kiyoo Wadati in 1928. It talked about the shallow and deep earthquake. He developed the scale along with Beno Gutenberg. Check other facts about Charles Richter below:

Facts about Charles Richter 1: the place of birth

Do you know the place of birth of Richter? He was born in Overpech, Ohio. Even though he was American, Richter had the German descent.

Facts about Charles Richter 2: parents

His mother was Lillian Anna Richter, while his father was Fred W. Kinsinger. When Richter was very young, his parents decided to divorce.

Charles Richter Facts

Charles Richter Facts

Facts about Charles Richter 3: living in America

The family decided to move to America in 1909. They picked Los Angeles as the place of living. He lived along with his mother and maternal grandfather.

Facts about Charles Richter 4: the education

Richter had an impressive education. Before he enrolled to Stanford University, he went to Los Angeles High School. In 1920, he earned an undergraduate degree.

Charles Richter

Charles Richter

Facts about Charles Richter 5: a PhD

Richter was interested to earn a PhD degree by enrolling in California Institute of Technology. He chose theoretical physics in 1928. However, Carnegie Institute of Washington offered him a job before he could finish his Ph.D. Find facts about Charles Goodyear here.

Facts about Charles Richter 6: seismology

Seismology is the study that makes him interested. It focuses on the study of earthquakes of earth.

Charles Richter Young

Charles Richter Young

Facts about Charles Richter 7: the work in Pasadena

In Pasadena, Richter had Beno Gutenberg as his mentor when he had a job at new Seismological Laboratory.

Facts about Charles Richter 8: the standard scale

The standard scale used to measure the size of earthquake was developed by Richter and Gutenberg in 1932. Then it was named Richter scale.

Facts about Charles Richter

Facts about Charles Richter

Facts about Charles Richter 9: his long lasting career

Richter had his long lasting career at California Institute of Technology. He returned here in 1937. In 1952, he was appointed as the professor of seismology. Get facts about Charles Lyell here.

Facts about Charles Richter 10: death

On 30 September 1985, Richter passed away in Pasadena, California due to heart failure. His burial place is in Altadena, California’s Mountain View Cemetery.

Charles Richter Image

Charles Richter Image

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