8 Facts about Ancient Greek Culture

Thursday, January 22nd 2015. | Cultures

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture elaborate the way of life, tradition and customs of the ancient people in Greece.  The Greek homes were very unique.  They were constructed with an outdoor courtyard. The courtyard was an important area for the Greek. They used it as an altar to worship the gods. It usually was equipped with a well for the water. The children also loved to play in this courtyard. Here are the interesting facts about Greek culture for you:

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 1: the rooms

The rooms in the house were located around the edges of the courtyard. There were several rooms in the house such as a store room, work room and bedrooms.

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 2: the room for men

Andron was the room for the men. When they had male guests, the men entertained them here. Therefore, the men would never see the women inside the house.

Ancient Greek Culture and Buildings

Ancient Greek Culture and Buildings

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 3: gynaikon

Gynaikon was the room for the women. It was made for the women to stay away from the visiting men. The sun dried bricks were used to create the walls in the Greek homes. The small windows are located on the high walls. Therefore, the home owners could enjoy warm feeling during the winter and cool feeling during the summer season.

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 4: acceptance

The acceptance of the father was very important for the children. The father had the option to keep or not to keep the children. It is okay for the father to abandon the children if they were weak or women. If the father accepted the children, they would be treated well.

Ancient Greek Culture Facts

Ancient Greek Culture Facts

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 5: learning

The boys began their school time when they were seven years old.  They learned to write, read, musical instruments, and mathematics. The girls did not go to school.  When they were 13 years old, they were considered adults. Get facts about ancient Greece here.

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 6: the food

The ancient Greeks ate fish, olives, cheese, bread dipped in wine and veggies. During the festivals, the Greek would eat meat such as beef or pork. The main drink was wine. The women were not allowed to attend dinner parties. Men often went to dinner parties with friends. They arrived at the sundown down and went home at the late night.

Ancient Greek Culture Pic

Ancient Greek Culture Pic

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 7: the clothing style

Chitin was the name of the clothes worn by the Greek people. It was a kind of a tunic.  The tunic will be fastened using a belt. The common Greeks wore chitin from wool. The high class people wore the silk or linen chitins. Find out ancient Greek clothing facts here.

Facts about Ancient Greek Culture 8: jobs

There were various jobs of ancient Greek.  The men worked as soldier, fisherman, farmer, craftsman, government workers and teacher.

Ancient Greek Culture Pottery

Ancient Greek Culture Pottery

facts about Ancient Greek Culture

facts about Ancient Greek Culture

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