8 Facts about Betty Shabazz

Monday, June 22nd 2015. | Figures

Find the information about the American civil right advocate and educator in Facts about Betty Shabazz. She was born on 28 May 1934 and passed away on 23 June 1997. She was born with the full name Betty Dean Sanders. Many people call her Betty X for she was the wife of Malcolm X. Here are other interesting facts about Betty Shabazz:

Facts about Betty Shabazz 1: the early life

Let’s find out the early life of Betty Shabazz. She was raised by foster parents who saved her from Racism. She was raised in Detroit, Michigan.  Her first encounter with racism was when she went to Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.

Facts about Betty Shabazz 2: moving

Betty Shabazz decided to relocate to New York City because she was not happy living in Alabama due to the racism. She decided to become a nurse.

Facts about Betty Shabazz

Facts about Betty Shabazz

Facts about Betty Shabazz 3: meeting Malcolm X

Betty and Malcolm X met each other in New York. She decided to become a member of Nation of Islam in 1956. In 1958, both married. In 1964, both left the Nation of Islam. In the following year, his husband was killed.

Facts about Betty Shabazz 4: a single mother

When Malcolm X passed away, the life was very difficult for Betty. She had to raise her six daughters alone. Therefore, she decided to continue her education. Then she found a job in Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, New York. Get facts about Betty Friedan here.

Betty Shabazz

Betty Shabazz

Facts about Betty Shabazz 5: Qubilah

Qubilah was the daughter of Betty.  Her daughter was arrested because she was suspected for the conspiracy of Louis Farrakhan’s murder.

Facts about Betty Shabazz 6: the death of Betty

Since Qubilah was arrested, she had to raise her young grandson named Malcolm. She had severe burns since Malcolm set a fire in the apartment. As a result of her severe burns and injuries, she passed away.

Betty Shabazz Young

Betty Shabazz Young

Facts about Betty Shabazz 7: parents

Betty’s parents were Ollie Mae Sanders and Shelman Sandlin.  Actually her parents never married. There were many accounts which found out that Ollie Mar Sanders often abused Betty. Lorenzo and Helen Malloy took Betty and raised her. Find out facts about Betty White here.

Facts about Betty Shabazz 8: having nightmares

After the death of her husband, Betty had difficulty to sleep. She had nightmares for weeks. She did not know how to support the family. But she could earn half of the royalty of Autobiography of Malcolm X. The other half of the royalties was for Alex Hailey who helped Malcolm writing the book. Hailey gave the other half of his royalty of this publication to Betty after he made a best seller with Roots.

Betty Shabazz Pic

Betty Shabazz Pic

Betty Shabazz Facts

Betty Shabazz Facts

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