10 Facts about Alvarez de Pineda
If you want to know the famous Spanish explorer who made a map in Texas history, you have to check Facts about Alvarez de Pineda. Many people also call him as the famous cartographer. His map is considered as the first document ever created during the Texas history. Find out more about him by reading the following explanation.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 1: expeditions
There are many expeditions led by Alvarez de Pineda in 1517. The main purpose of those expeditions is to map the western coastlines of Gulf of Mexico. He did it by exploring Yucatan Peninsula to Panuco River.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 2: Ponce de León
Before the expeditions of Pineda, actually another explorer, Ponce de León had created a map on some parts of Florida. Do you know that this famous explorer believed that Florida was an island?
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 3: Alaminos’s expedition
During the Alaminos’s expedition, the areas between Panuco River and Florida had not been mapped. He excluded the western area on the expedition.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 4: Francisco de Garay
Francisco de Garay was the governor of Jamaica. He persuaded the governor to fund the expedition to map and search for the western areas that he left behind during his expedition.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 5: Alvarez de Pineda’s expedition on the western areas
Francisco de Garay agreed to fund the expedition but he asked Alvarez de Pineda to become the leader in the expedition. Garay gave him 270 soldiers and three ships for this exploration.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 6: the beginning of his expedition
In 1519, his three ships sailed to the west after leaving Jamaica. They took the journey on the northern coastline of the Gulf. Get facts about Alonzo Herndon here.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 7: disturbance
Alvarez de Pineda faced disturbance when he wanted to sail east after his fleet arrived at the western tip of Southern Florida. The big wind made his crew sailed to the west and reached the Gulf Coast.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 8: the Native American settlement
Alvarez de Pineda spotted massive Native American settlement when he arrived in a large bay on 2 June 1519. He named the large deep river that he met during his expedition to the west as “Espíritu Santo”. On the bank of the river, he found out at least forty villages here.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 9: the southward journey
After he arrived at the bank, he continued the expedition southward. Shortly after Hernan Cortes departed from Villa Rica de la Veracruz, Alvarez de Pineda arrived and anchored his three ships. Find out facts about Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Alvaca here.
Facts about Alvarez de Pineda 10: the return of hernan Cortez
Hernan Cortez heard that Alvarez de Pineda arrived at Villa Rica de la Veracruz. Therefore, he came back here because he did not want him to claim his land.
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