10 Facts about Black Wolves

Wednesday, July 15th 2015. | Animals

Let me show you the melanistic color variant of grey wolf in Facts about Black Wolves. The scientists believe that the black color of the wolves occurs because of the mutation.  It is called Canis lycaon in Europe under the hypothesis that black wolves are different from the white and grey wolves.  Find out more interesting facts about black wolves by reading the following post below:

Facts about Black Wolves 1: the black wolves in Europe

The black wolves were very common to see in Southern Europe. However, it was very rare to see them in France. The people also spot the appearance of black wolves in Kotor Montenegro and Friuli, Italy. Find out Arctic Wolves facts here.

Facts about Black Wolves 2: Charles Hamilton Smith

The account of Charles Hamilton Smith states that black wolves are less aggressive if you compare them with the common wolves.

Black Wolves Facts

Black Wolves Facts

Facts about Black Wolves 3: the black wolves in Serbia

There was a report which designated that a black wolf was killed in 2010 at Stara Mountain, Serbia.

Facts about Black Wolves 4: the black wolves in Asia

In the past, black wolves were spotted in Asia. The Arabian people believed that the small black wolf called the Derboun had a close relation with dogs.

Facts about Black Wolves

Facts about Black Wolves

Facts about Black Wolves 5: the black wolves in Tibet

Chanko nagpo is the term used by the people in Tibet to call the black wolves. Compared to the pale colored wolves, the black wolves have higher aggressiveness and bold characters.

Facts about Black Wolves 6: black wolves in North America

The black wolves in North America were spotted by William Bartram in his book entitled Travels in 1791. He saw the black wolves among the red wolves in Florida.

Black Wolf Pic

Black Wolf Pic

Facts about Black Wolves 7: the description of black wolves

Bartram described that black wolves had perfectly black color. But the white spot on the breast was owned by the female black wolves.

Facts about Black Wolves 8: the black wolves and the local wolves

Bartram also stated that the black wolves had the similarities with the local wolves. However, they could bark.

Black Wolf

Black Wolf

Facts about Black Wolves 9: the record of the largest Yellowstone wolf

The record of the largest Yellowstone wolf was taken by the black male wolf discovered on 15 January 2009. This wolf had the weight at 143 lbs. It was found in Pelican Valley of Yellowstone National Park.

Facts about Black Wolves 10: Adolph Murie

One of the biologists who believed that the color variations found on wolves was due to the interbreeding with dogs was Adolph Murie. Get facts about African wild dogs here.

Black Wolves

Black Wolves

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