10 Facts about Canterbury Cathedral

Saturday, October 10th 2015. | Buildings

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral present the interesting information about the most famous Christian cathedral in England. It is considered as the oldest one in England. There is no need to wonder that this cathedral is included as a part of World heritage Site. If you are interested to visit the cathedral, you can go to Canterbury, Kent. Here are some interesting facts about Canterbury Cathedral below:

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 1: Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop of Canterbury is considered as the symbolic leader of the Anglican Communion in the world.  He also led the Church of England. Therefore, this cathedral is the house of the Archbishop. Check Anglicanism facts here.

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 2: the establishment of Canterbury Cathedral

Let’s find out the foundation of Canterbury Cathedral. In 597, it was established. It has a significant restoration between 1070 until 1077. In the early 12th century, the enlargement was seen at the east end. Find facts about Bath England here.

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 3: a fire

After a fire in Canterbury Cathedral, the building was restored in Gothic style. The extension of the building was seen in eastward for it should be able to house the high number of pilgrims who wanted to visit the shrine of Thomas Becket. Do you know that Becket was killed in 1170 in this cathedral?

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 4: the present structures

If you check the present structures of Canterbury Cathedral, you will not find any Normal nave or transepts. Both were destroyed to create the present building. The survival of them was last seen at the end of 14th century.

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 5: Thomas Becket

Thomas Becket is considered as an important archbishop in the cathedral.  The murder of Becket became a key element in the history of this cathedral. On 29 December 1170, Becket was murdered in the north-west transept. Today, people call this murdering site as Martyrdom. The murderers were the knights of King Henry II.

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 6: the conflict

There were a frequent conflict between Becket and King Henry II. Becket was killed by the knights in the cathedral.  Actually he was not the first archbishop murdered. Becket is the second one.

Canterbury Cathedral Inside

Canterbury Cathedral Inside

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 7: a pilgrimage site

After the death of Thomas Becket, there were many pilgrims who went here due to the posthumous veneration. Therefore, the officials decided to expand the cathedral.

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 8: Trinity Chapel roof

The fire completely tore down the Trinity Chapel roof in September 1872.  The interior was not enormously affected by the fire.

Canterbury Cathedral Facts

Canterbury Cathedral Facts

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 9: the female bishops

The first women ordained as bishops in Canterbury Cathedral were Sarah Mullally and Rachel Treweek.

Facts about Canterbury Cathedral 10: the self funded cathedral Church of England

Canterbury Cathedral is the self funded cathedral for it does no receive fund from the state, government or Church of England. English Heritage gives the occasional finance. The cathedral gets the money mostly from the entry charges, hotel and conference center and cathedral shop.

Canterbury Cathedral at Night

Canterbury Cathedral at Night

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