10 Facts about Concerto
It’s interesting to learn Facts about Concerto. What is it, exactly? A concerto is a musical composition that has altered characteristics as the time goes by. It’s the Italian word, actually. Concerto was called as the holy works for orchestras and voices in the past.
Facts about Concerto 1: Early Concerto
The first term of the concerto was given to any pieces involving instruments and voices. It’s important to note that the instruments were various in the terms of parts. There were many examples of early concerto including the works of Giovanni Gabrieli and Heinrich.
Facts about Concerto 2: The Later Works
As the time goes by, concerto got affected by a modern concept. Some famous artists who involved at that time were Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, and more. At that time, the concerto was based mainly in the Italian style.

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Facts about Concerto 3: The Classical Concerto
There were many components of classical concerto including recapitulation, development, and exposition. CPE Bach was the most representation of the classical concerto, after all. Most of the works had the final form of the rondo.
Facts about Concerto 4: The Classical Violin
In 1775, Mozart wrote violin concertos. These were influenced by both Austrian and Italian style. His passages also had the influence of folk music. He also wrote Sinfonia Concertante for both orchestra and violin.

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Facts about Concerto 5: The Classical Cello
When it comes to classical cello concerto, Haydn was really into this kind of work. His works were quite important in that era. However, there was another noteworthy cello concerto at that time. These were the Boccherini’s.
Facts about Concerto 6: Classical Keyboard Concerto
The most brilliant keyword concerto in the classical era was Bach’s. He wrote great solo works and he had influenced many people during the era. Mozart was also famous when it comes to classical keyboard concerto. He was famous due to his 27 piano concertos.

Concerto Facts
Facts about Concerto 7: The Other Instruments
There were various instruments of concerto including oboe and flute. Haydn also gave a contribution by writing a trumpet concerto and two horn instruments. Find facts about Cody Simpson here.
Facts about Concerto 8: Romantic Concerto
Violin was the representation of concerto in the romantic era. The most recognizable traits were found in the works of Viotti. He was really into the violin concertos at that time. However, Spohr’s works were the most famous ones.

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Facts about Concerto 9: The 20th Century Concerto
Most of the works were written in the 20th century had been affected by futuristic movement. You could find some geniuses like Edward Elgar, Sergei, Jean Sibelius, and more. Find facts about Colin McPhee here.
Facts about Concerto 10: The Concert Band
Orchestra concerto is also called a concert band. This is what you can enjoy today. There are many different instruments used in this type of work.

Facts about Concerto
Overall, these Facts about Concerto are good for your knowledge.